The Faxon Blog and Podcast

Best 9mm Competition Pistol: Faxon FX19 Hellfire

Posted by on Apr 10th 2023

Best 9mm Competition Pistol: Faxon FX19 Hellfire

Shooting competitions demand the utmost precision and accuracy from competitors, and having the right equipment can make all the difference.That’s why finding the perfect competition pistol is crucial …

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How To Setup an AR9 Build For Home Defense

Posted by on Mar 21st 2023

How To Setup an AR9 Build For Home Defense

Originally posted here.When it comes to protecting ourselves and our loved ones, our homes are our first line of defense.Unfortunately, no one can predict when a home invasion or burglary will ha …

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Best Barrel Length for 9mm PCC

Posted by on Mar 9th 2023

Best Barrel Length for 9mm PCC

Originally posted here.Pistol Caliber Carbines, or PCCs, are firearms that are chambered in a pistol caliber, typically 9mm.They are popular among gun enthusiasts and shooters because they offer …

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